Decider Madison launches today!

Friends, it's with great pride that we announce the launch of our second Decider city, Madison, Wisconsin. In case you haven't been paying attention, is The A.V. Club's sister site, and it's focused on bringing our voice (and more) to the streets of your town. Decider offers a kick-ass events calendar, a restaurant and bar database, and a whole bunch of local features you won't find on Interviews, blogs, you name it. If Madison is your town (and even if it isn't), go check it out and let us know what you think. Plans are in the works to open Deciders in most/all of the cities that we currently print papers in by early next year. (For the record, that's New York, Washington DC, Austin, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Denver/Boulder, Los Angeles, and San Francisco—in addition to Chicago and Madison, which are now live.)

So what are you waiting for? Click here and give it a whirl. You're not doing anything productive at work right now anyway.

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