Deconstructing the greatest rap songs of all time, syllable by syllable

Deconstructing the greatest rap songs of all time, syllable by syllable

In a new video, Vox writer Estelle Caldwell and music theorist Martin Connor break down the evolution of hip-hop by looking at some of the genre’s game-changing rhyme schemes. Over the course of the 12-minute video, we learn several things, including the fact that Rakim was a game-changing rapper, “Lose Yourself” is exemplary enough to make up for Eminem’s terrible later career, and Kendrick really is that good. There’s also a ton of talk about MF Doom, which makes sense, because Doom is amazing. Even if you were already a Doom-thusiast, this will make you like him even more. You’ll spend the rest of the day obsessing over his holorimes.

(If you don’t know what a holorime is, that’s cool. It’s explained in the video.)

[Via Laughing Squid]

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