Demi Adejuyigbe’s “September” dance is back, with a charitable bonus
Songwriter Allee Willis says there’s no real significance to the date that Maurice White reminisces upon in the first line of Earth, Wind & Fire’s “September”; “the 21st night of September” just fit the towering funk jam. Little did Willis or White expect that they’d be forever circling a square on the pop-culture calendar, nor could they have anticipated the most essential tribute it would inspire: Writer, podcaster, and maker of good Vines Demi Adejuyigbe’s annual, elaborate commemoration of… say, what was that date again?
Ah, yes.
Adejuyigbe followed his initial solo dance party with a 2017 sequel that upped the stakes with confetti, a saxophone, and a dramatic curtain drop. And on this, the 21st day of September 2018, he’s topped himself again, in ways that we’re not going to write out because the element of surprise is of the utmost importance to this whole bit. Fine, one spoiler: Adejuyigbe has set up a website that’s selling facsimiles of his “SEPT. 21” T-shirt, 100 percent of the proceeds from which will go to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, the Refugee And Immigrant Center For Education And Legal Services, and the National Center for Trans Equality.
And that’s it until September 21, 2019. Please resume not tweeting countdowns at Adejuyigbe.