Denver A.V. Clubbers: Minutemen movie tonight

Denver A.V. Clubbers: Minutemen movie tonight

Live in Denver? Love the Minutemen? Wanna throw popcorn and/or punches at that hack asshole Jason Heller? Come down to Starz FilmCenter on Auraria Campus at 7 p.m. tonight for a screening of We Jam Econo: The Story Of The Minutemen. It's the first installment of The A.V. Club's month-long series titled Our Band Could Be Your Film; future flicks will include American Hardcore (on Sep. 10, to coincide with Starz's opening of the new Germs movie, What We Do Is Secret); The Nomi Song (on Sep. 17); and a rare, 35mm print of the amazing post-punk documentary, Urgh! A Music War (on Sep. 24). There will be special guests introducing each film, but tonight yours truly will be on hand to pitch in my hyperbolic two cents about why the Minutemen are better than just about everything. I'll be the little man with the gun in his hand.

For more details about the series, kindly click here.

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