Denzel Washington may take a break from being an agent or cop or something to play Thelonious Monk

Perhaps sensing that his career choices of late had lapsed into self-parody, Denzel Washington has begun considering projects that could find him briefly stepping away from being an agent or cop or something who plays by his own rules and butts heads with a younger guy. For starters, there’s the upcoming Robert Zemeckis drama Flight, in which Washington puts on a different kind of uniform and breaks some different kinds of rules by playing a Sully-like hero pilot who's revealed to also have a drinking problem. Now he tells The Observer—shortly after insisting that he would be “bored to tears” by doing the same roles over and over, presumably while bawling his eyes out—not only is he “hovering” around an unspecified comedy, he’s also considering starring in a biopic about jazz legend Thelonious Monk, for which a script is already in place. Not much else is known about the project, but Washington did say that he particularly loved how the innovative Monk played jazz by his own rules, unafraid to let an older note linger and clash with a newer, younger note and, like, get right inside its head. (Okay, not really.)

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