Devil's Due sends demon baby to punish New Yorkers for showing compassion

Devil's Due sends demon baby to punish New Yorkers for showing compassion

Looking to find a way to promote the annual, now-obligatory demonic possession movie in January, the team behind Devil’s Due hit upon that most modern of marketing stunts: doing shitty things to people, then posting their hilarious reactions on the Internet. In the video below, New Yorkers ignore the pleading wails emanating from an unattended baby carriage, secure in the knowledge that hey, we’ve all got problems. Hey baby, if you can’t even attain basic mobility, maybe you should move back to Connecticut.

Those who do demonstrate concern—most likely tourists—are punished for their weakness by a screaming, spitting, demon seed, who can be distinguished from ordinary babies by its refreshing self-reliance and can-do spirit. This baby doesn’t need anyone to push it around as it barrels through the streets, sending pigeons scattering and flipping off cop cars. It might just make it in this city after all. [via Variety]

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