Diane Keaton and Jane Fonda to star in sexy book club movie

According to Deadline, Diane Keaton and Jane Fonda are set to star alongside Candice Bergen in Book Club, a comedy film that will be the directorial debut of A Walk In The Woods producer Bill Holderman. The report says that Book Club will be a “heartfelt comedy” about a group of older ladies who read Fifty Shades Of Grey for their book club, which makes it sound a lot more erotic than your average heartfelt comedy. Apparently, reading the book causes these women to “have their lives changed forever,” and though it’s “not the type of book that they typically read,” it will soon make them realize that “inspiration can come in the most unlikely of places.”

Basically, it seems like the movie is about Diane Keaton, Jane Fonda, and Candice Bergen learning how to do wild sex stuff from E.L. James’ famously steamy book, which should give it a much broader appeal than your usual heartfelt book club comedy.

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