Diary Of A Dysfunctional Flight Attendant is the latest airline-based TV show to face imminent cancellation

America loves to fly, and even more, it loves to complain about flying. Louis CK's good advice notwithstanding, we have built an entire cottage industry around how much it sucks to be able to travel vast distances in a very short amount of time.   Recent bad touch examples by Transportation Safety Administration employees have now been added to the litany of bitchworthy topics, alongside bad airline food, lack of bad airline food, second-run movie, and having to be within thirty feet of fat people.

And if there's one way America loves to express its dissatisfaction with something, it's my making it the subject of a comedic television show.  Hence the soon-to-be-existence of Diary Of A Dysfunctional Flight Attendant, which — brace yourself — is a "novel in blog format" that producer Bob Cohen hopes to turn into a "half-hour to an hour-long Office-style workplace sitcom".  If that's not enough to convince you that the show is doomed to immediate cancellation, consider that Cohen is the auteur behind such programs you've never heard of as Starlet, The Naked Truth, and Absolute Bonkers.  It will follow cold on the heels of last year's non-starter Fly Girls, a reality show about Virgin America flight attendants, and will air in 2011 alongside ABC's Mad-Men-in-the-clouds drama Pan Am, and CBS's extremely unhilarious-sounding Homeland Insecurity, about "bumbling airport security workers".  Yes, you read that right:  they actually used the word "bumbling".

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