"Dick," "shit" OK on TV, "fuck" still out

It's OK to say "dick" and "bullshit" on TV shows, but not so much "fuck," according to four new Federal Communications Commission rulings as reported by the Associated Press. The commission has ruled that two uses of "fuck" on awards shows qualify as indecent, because, according to its current precedents, the word "inherently has a sexual connotation."

That is, more of a sexual connotation than the words "dick" and "dickhead" as used on NYPD Blue in a 2003 episode, which the FCC has decided isn't indecent. Also passing this infallibly reasoned test is the use of the word "bullshit" on a 2004 episode of Survivor. It's just nice to know that these powerful "communications" experts have such a firm grasp on figures of speech. Too bad they haven't given us anything so easy to make fun of as the famous "series of tubes" remarks. But they're at the same mental level, folks.

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