Diddy lands new reality show, Bow Wow walks for voter registration in useless Hip Hop news

In news guaranteed to rock the very foundation of our democracy, MTV has greenlit a new reality show from Diddy and Survivor kingmaker Mark Burnett. It's good to see these two worthy souls finally catch a break. As documented on his unintentionally hilarious blog, things had gotten so bad for Diddy that he was reduced to flying first class after filling his private plane with gas proved prohibitively expensive. In completely unrelated news, it looks like your grandma's insurance isn't going to cover her pills anymore and you've just been laid off. Sorry. Hate to break it you in a Newswire post, but it looks like your company is going to have to downsize due to the recent downturn in the economy. Diddy's show, imaginatively named Starmaker, will pit a group of solo artists against each other in a contest that apparently is different from Diddy's Making The Band somehow. Oh yeah, because solo artists are involved. Or something.

In even more unrelated news, former rap child star Bow Wow is going to walk across America for voter registration. Except for when he's taking the bus. It's the kind of altruistic endeavor rappers generally resort to in a bid to burn off precious, precious hours of community service. Read the whole story here. Or don't. We don't wanna give you the hard sell or nothing.

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