Diddy rendered giddy during Bad Boy ditty; results not pretty

It hasn’t been easy being Diddy for the past couple of weeks. First, he was arrested for swinging a kettleball at someone, giving new meaning to that whole “no pain, no gain” saying. That‘s already embarrassing, but not as embarrassing as a very public display of falling down, even if it doesn’t seem like it was your fault. Yes, not since the halcyon days of Kelsey Grammar’s legendary walk off a stage have we witnessed such a delightful pratfall from a deadly serious performer. During a performance at the BET Awards, America’s 47th favorite rapper was in the middle of a medley of Bad Boy hits when he plunged into a hole in the floor. He was only down for a couple of seconds, but thankfully, a couple of seconds on the internet are immortal. Watch the clip below—the magic happens right around the 5:11 mark.

The trap door was there as an entrance tool for Lil’ Kim, who utilized it in the manner intended shortly thereafter.

Thankfully, Diddy didn’t seem to be injured, beyond the obvious blow to his outsized ego that must have been generated by such a public spill. Along with Mase, 112, Faith Evans, and more, the performance was still a rousing success, and will now forever be known as the BET Awards where Diddy hilariously fell through a trap door.

And now, here’s the ”TL;DR” version of this story:

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