Diego Luna brings politics to the dinner table in Amazon Prime's Pan Y Circo trailer

Diego Luna brings politics to the dinner table in Amazon Prime's Pan Y Circo trailer
Screenshot: YouTube

For some, discussing the world’s greatest ills doesn’t make for the best dinner conversation. For actor Diego Luna, it’s those tough subjects that provide the ideal centerpiece for a meal among brilliant friends. Pan Y Circo (Bread And Circus), a seven-part Amazon Prime series created by the Rogue One star, gathers politicians, activists, and fellow media personalities to touch on matters like immigration, climate change, decriminalizing drugs, race, and more. Throughout their lively discussions, the participants manage to find time to munch on cuisine prepared by renowned Mexican chefs.

Pan Y Circo was produced by La Corriente del Golfo, the production company Luna started with fellow actor Gael García Bernal. It will be the company’s first collaboration with Amazon Prime. “Pan Y Circo was born by trying to combine two of the things I enjoy doing most: eating and listening,” Luna said, per The L.A. Times. The goal was to make a show about other people in every way – the other people who are guests on the show, other people who live realities different from mine, and other people who do not think like me. We listen to each other while sharing a meal, nothing more. The table, in my life, has turned out to be the ideal place to debate, to reflect and share my worries and aspirations with others.”

On top of the six on-location episodes (which were shot in various Mexican cities), Pan Y Circo also includes a seventh episode shot in quarantine where guests dine virtually to chat about the COVID-19 crisis over whatever fine dining they could scrounge up in their respective pantries. Pan Y Circo will premiere its first three episodes in over 200 countries on August 7 with a new episode airing each week thereafter. Check out the delectable trailer below.

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