Diego Luna spent most of Rogue One staring at Alan Tudyk’s balls

Living the dream of amorous Firefly fans everywhere, Diego Luna says he spent much of his time filming the upcoming Rogue One: A Star Wars Story making direct eye-contact with Alan Tudyk’s crotch. That’s per Luna’s recent appearance on Conan, where he regaled host Conan O’Brien with the difficulties of filming opposite a 7-foot-tall Imperial droid, portrayed by a man wearing stilts and “very tight pajamas“.

“So,” Luna says, “You’re standing next to his balls. It’s quite intimidating.” Luna went on to suggest that Tudyk make an appearance on Conan himself, so that he could show America the items in question. Meanwhile, you can hear more of Luna’s suggestions for how to get Conan’s ratings up—and watch a clip of him and Tudyk bantering in Rogue One, which opens this weekend—in the video above.

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