Dimension announces teen social networking thriller 

In news of vital importance to absolutely no one, Dimension Films has announced that it is developing a "Ten Little Indians"-derived teen social networking thriller that will undoubtedly be hilariously anachronistic and out of date by the time it hits theaters. The project is the brainchild of actress Sara Rue and Robert Green, late of "Spaced". No, not the beloved British Simon Pegg/Edgar Wright classic, the McG-engineered American remake that was put out of its misery before it afflicted stateside audiences.

We can just imagine the climactic scene where a horrified supporting player frantically text-messages the hero, "OMG! The Tweets are coming from inside the house! LOL:) No, seriously, you are totes going to die!" Here's what the Dimension flacks had to say about this future Film That Time Forgot!:


           T.S. Faull to Write the Screenplay

NEW YORK, NY (February 11, 2009) – Dimension Films is developing an untitled thriller based on an original idea from actress Sara Rue (“Less Than Perfect”) and producing partner Robert Green (“Spaced”). Rue and Green will produce and T.S. Faull (“Butterfly: A Grimm Love Story”) will write the script.  The announcement was made today by Bob Weinstein, co-chairman of The Weinstein Company (TWC).

While the specifics of the storyline are being kept under close wraps, the story is a high school thriller in the vein of Ten Little Indians that involves a teen social networking site.

“Online social networking is a widespread phenomenon that interests me greatly,” said Weinstein.   “Combining it with a suspense thriller is a new and fresh way to explore this new trend.”

“Sara and I are elated to be launching our new company with this project,”’ said Green.  “We are even more thrilled to be working with a company that understands the teen horror/thriller genre better than any other. Their passion and track record made getting into business with them a no brainer.”

"Social networking is alluring but one always takes a risk when engaging on these sites," said Faull. "Online identities can be deceptive and the script will center on a social networking situation with truly dangerous consequences. I look forward to working with Dimension and the producers on bringing this story and its teen characters to life on the big screen."

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