Dirty Dancing remake images put Baby in a corner

You’re now just a month away from having the time of your life, with ABC’s Dirty Dancing remake set to air on May 24. Directed by Wayne Blair, the movie stars Scream Queens’ Abigail Breslin and dancer Colt Prattes, who have taken over for Jennifer Grey and the late Patrick Swayze as the cha-cha-ing couple kept apart by class (but, oddly enough, not age). It sounds like the remake will follow the original’s rhythm, with Baby (Breslin) and Johnny (Prattes) falling in love despite her father’s (Bruce Greenwood) disapproval and Vivian Pressman’s (Katey Sagal) meddling. Debra Messing co-stars as Baby’s vivacious mother, with Sarah Hyland playing her once tone-deaf sister. And Billy Dee Williams will ooze charisma from the wings as bandleader Tito.

Entertainment Weekly has just scored a bunch of first-look photos of the production, which feature plenty of era-appropriate dress but break Johnny Castle’s cardinal rule: Don’t put Baby in a corner.

There are definitely some right angles below, though Baby could be hanging out backstage of her own volition, and not because her father can’t deal with her burgeoning sexuality.

Here’s yet another nook/corner that Baby has been placed in:

Oh good: Here she’s on stage with Johnny at that other country club, where she had to fill in for Penny.

The newly reunited couple is front and center for their big number, in which they dance to a song written decades in their future.

Finally, here’s Williams as Tito, who looks awfully bored in the Catskills:

Dirty Dancing premieres May 24 on ABC.

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