Discovery Channel's been looping a video about honey for more than 26 hours and it shows no signs of stopping

Discovery Channel's been looping a video about honey for more than 26 hours and it shows no signs of stopping

For anyone wondering how honey is made, Discovery Channel UK’s YouTube page is here to help, maybe for eternity. Since Wednesday, the channel has been looping a How It’s Made segment on the subject over and over again, like some sticky-sweet, avant-garde stoner rock performance. The stream, which has been unfolding for what appears to be roughly 26 hours at the time of this posting, started off teasing us with a handful of seconds, then minutes of the clip according to the deeply appreciative folks chronicling all of this on Reddit.

It still shows no signs of stopping.

For those who haven’t already tuned in to the live stream event of the year, the video is simple. As infinitely-looping drum machines and slap bass provide a gentle soundtrack, narrator Tony Hirst explains how honey is made, from start to finish. Nothing more, nothing less. Watch long enough and you may start to read secret codes in this maddening, endless pool of words, music, and imagery, but don’t be fooled: this is only about honey.

Did you know that it wasn’t until an 1851 breakthrough that we’ve been able to farm honey without killing the bees? Did you know that honey’s “the product of one of the most intelligent and industrious of creatures” and has been used in “religious and pagan” celebrations? Did you know that one beehive can produce 3 kilograms of honey in a single day?

Well, slap this video on for a while and you will never be able to forget these facts.

What inscrutable reason could the channel have for doing this? Is somebody at Discovery determined to impress upon us the wonder of honey bees? Is a subliminal message regarding their importance to our planet’s ecology being communicated through the calming, narcotic repetition of the clip? Did someone just fall asleep on the keyboard? We may never know, so, honey, just enjoy the show.

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