Disney offers a peek at Star Wars Land

According to The Daily Dot, Disney has released new concept art for the Star Wars Land theme-park expansion it announced last summer. The Disney Parks Blog reveals a rendering of a “never-before-seen planet” in the Star Wars galaxy, which looks like a cross between Naboo with its picturesque greenery and domed structures and the lush Takodana (recently revealed in Star Wars: Episode VII—The Force Awakens). You can see both wide and magnified versions of the concept art below.

According to the blog, this 14-acre “thriving port” contains myriad buildings, markets, and landing zones populated by “citizens, aliens, and droids.” The Millennium Falcon has found a prime parking spot, and visitors “will get the opportunity to pilot the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy,” which probably means staring at a virtual presentation of incoming TIE fighters and telling your aunt back on the turret not to get cocky. Previous coverage reported a second attraction involving “a climactic battle between the First Order and the resistance,” but visitors could always just hang out in the cantina and request the same song over and over.

Although fans of the original trilogy probably wanted Star Wars Land to be an approximation of Tatooine or Hoth, surely they realize that Disney has to build this attraction in its preexisting Florida and California parks and that the expense of creating such landscapes would be astronomical. (Also, no one wants to wait in line for three hours in those elements.) But the similarity to Naboo does bring up an interesting question: if Gungans are part of Star Wars Land, how will Disney keep parkgoers from mercilessly beating them? Basically, this park’s third main attraction should be a tolerance seminar.

Disney broke ground on Star Wars Land earlier this year, but considering this is the company’s “largest-ever single-themed land expansion,” it might not be finished until humanity has already normalized interplanetary travel.

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