Disney shows off new John Williams theme, whole bunch of aerial shots of its Star Wars mini-parks

Out of all of the things made possible by Disney’s acquisition of the Star Wars brand back in 2012, few have been as highly anticipated—or as fraught with the potential for fuck-ups—as the chance to see what its famed Imagineers could do with a Wars-themed “Land” at the company’s parks. The end result of that effort (and the also more-than-a-billion-dollars Disney has reportedly spent on transforming 14 acres at both its California and Florida properties into a pair of alien worlds) won’t be open to the public until next summer, but the theme park giant did release one of the biggest looks at its Galaxy’s Edge attractions to date today, including a new theme song for the attraction by veteran Star Wars music man John Williams.

In case Williams’ involvement didn’t make it clear, the various aerial shots of the new parks lay out just how seriously Disney is taking this particular endeavor, filling the park’s skyline with alien vistas and familiarly weathered-looking starships. Meanwhile, the theme is pretty classic Williams stuff, including all the usual Star Wars harp trills and other touches designed to get our nostalgia bladders thrumming.

Disney Parks also released teaser videos for the two rides that’ll be featured at both Galaxy’s Edges today—presumably, as its way of celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Star Wars Holiday Special, keeping Life Day alive in all our hearts. These are a bit less impressive, admittedly; neither gives much of a flavor for what Millennium Falcon: Smuggler’s Run or Rise Of The Resistance will actually be like for riders, instead focusing on the rides’ basic themes, instead. (Also: No John Williams.)

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