Disney wants more Indiana Jones, has to get through this Star Wars thing first

In a case of “there’s no time like the present except maybe the distant future,” Disney has decided they would like another film in the Indiana Jones series, but not until after they have all of this “new Star Wars” business squared away. When Disney acquired the rights to Lucasfilm for $4 billion in 2012, they immediately set to work on Star Wars: The Force Awakens, putting the other Lucas properties on the back burner. But Disney chairman Bob Iger has also addressed the possibility of pumping new life into the Indiana Jones franchise, according to Variety’s Marc Graser:

Given the massive response to the Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer, we can assume that ‘pacing ourselves’ means making sure Harrison Ford is healthy and crotchety enough to play Han Solo for a little while longer, which puts the further adventures of Indy in a holding pattern. Previous rumors had a younger lead, maybe Bradley Cooper, being handed the bullwhip by the 71-year-old Ford. Those rumors continue to circulate, thanks to Latino Review’s Umberto Gonzalez:

So basically, Harrison Ford still has the license to play his classic characters, including Han, Indy, and even Rick Deckard, for as long as he’s ambulatory.

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