DMX Arrested For Trying to Buy 45 Dollars Worth of Pot and Coke In Hip Hop Non-Shocker

In Hip Hop news at once predictable, sad and kinda hilarious, DMX, the Ronnie Dobbs of raspy, hard-living gangsta rappers, has been arrested yet again, this time under particularly ridiculous circumstances. Not "Ol' Dirty Bastard getting arrested trying to flee a McDonalds through the drive-thru window" hilarious, but pretty damn funny all the same.

According to alerts (which I cannot recommend highly enough, incidentally) Earl "DMX" Simmons, who you may remember from such law-breaking endeavors as impersonating an FBI officer, animal cruelty, neglecting 13 pit bulls, public obscenity, attempted carjacking, refusing to wear a seat belt on an international plane ride and, of course, habitual, serial jay-walking, was arrested last Friday while allegedly trying to buy forty-five dollars in cocaine and marijuana from an undercover officer.

Yes, you read that right. Forty-five dollars, thirty for blow and fifteen for the wacky tobacky. Apparently he needed just enough coke and weed to get him through the next five minutes. Seriously, who buys fifteen dollars worth of pot? What, did he need exactly one hit for his one-hitter? Jeez, he might as well have splurged and bought an entire six-pack of wine coolers. Man, DMX's recent arrests pale in comparison to his early work on the law-breaking front. Those early arrests were raw, extreme, original and uncompromising. Now he's just repeating himself. He does, however, get points for getting arrested twice in one week: he was arrested earlier last week for driving without a license. That's gangsta! And incredibly stupid and self-destructive.

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