DMX to celebrity-box George Zimmerman, and the loser will be human decency

TMZ is reporting that George Zimmerman has found an opponent for his recently announced celebrity boxing match—DMX. DMX, of course, found his celebrity via a string of albums that made him one of the biggest-selling rap artists of all time, crafter of such hits as "Party Up." Zimmerman found his fame a slightly different way: by shooting and killing unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin in Florida, then being tried and acquitted for it, igniting a divisive firestorm in the media (and the world, really). Instead of doing the decent thing and disappearing from the public eye forever while the nation tries to heal itself, Zimmerman found his way to Celebrity Boxing, which put out an open call for an opponent. Among the 15,000 applicants was DMX, who's seen better years himself: Just last year, he was arrested four times (mostly for driving offenses), and he has had well documented battles with drugs. DMX stated that he wanted to fight Zimmerman for "every black person who has been done wrong in the system." And while DMX's stated desire to "whip my dick out and piss on [Zimmerman]" after he "beats the living fuck out of [Zimmerman]" might provide some temporary measure of satisfaction for both DMX and the many Americans who feel that justice was not served in this case, it is very unlikely to help heal the wound that was so potently exposed. (It wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that the opposite will be true, and that a "celebrity boxing match" might just serve to cheapen the value of the human life that was lost, regardless of culpability.) The date and time of the fight will be announced next week. In the meantime, promoters are surely looking for a snappy name for the match. May we suggest The Sadness And The Badness?

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