Doctor Who removes beheading scene from upcoming episode

Just two days ago, Fox Home Entertainment and PR firm Thinkjam apologized for some very poorly timed Sleepy Hollow ads, which declared “National Beheading Day” just as video was released of American journalist Steven Sotloff being beheaded by Islamic State militants. Of course, journalist James Foley was beheaded about two weeks prior—which is probably when Sleepy Hollow’s marketers should have pulled their ad campaign in the first place.

Fortunately, Doctor Who is a little more on top of current events. A BBC spokesperson announced today that a beheading scene was edited out of this week’s episode, “Robot Of Sherwood,” saying it was “out of respect.” The BBC says the beheading is “believed to be a fight scene between Robin Hood and the Sheriff of Nottingham.” The episode was filmed in February, and is the third episode featuring Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor.

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