Doctor Who returns to streaming form on Amazon Prime

It was less than a month ago that the BBC absconded with Doctor Who, pulling all of the show’s episodes that had been available on Netflix and Hulu, and leaving fans—current and prospective—with a TARDIS-shaped hole in their hearts and streaming plans. There seemed to be nothing wibbly wobbly about the move, which might have been part of an attempt to bolster the appeal of the British broadcaster’s international iPlayer, which would have presumably become the destination for Whovians in search of doctors Nine, Ten, and Eleven.

But it looks like the BBC has reconsidered its decision, as Nerdist is now reporting that Doctor Who will soon return to the streaming ether: Starting in March, series/seasons 1-8 will be available on Amazon Prime (which you might have already signed up for to watch Transparent or The Man In The High Castle). There’s no official date available yet, but with new Who now more than a year away, fans will need something to tide them over. And now that Steven Moffat is leaving the show, you can re-watch some of his best episodes without despairing of what new ways the showrunner could devise to squander any remaining good will.

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