Dolly Parton and Katy Perry sang a duet last night

The 51st annual Academy of Country Music Awards happened last night, making it roughly the 407th country-music-themed awards show in America. However, it can lay claim to being the only one that featured a duet between Dolly Parton and Katy Perry, a.k.a The Queen of Nashville and The Queen of Earworms That Will Never Leave My Brain, Especially During Drinks And/Or Karaoke. (Whatever, Teenage Dream is still awesome.) Anyway, they took the stage to perform a medley consisting of some of Parton’s greatest hits, including “Coat Of Many Colors,” “Jolene,” and “9 to 5.” The Muse has the entire performance, but you can watch the artists perform the latter two songs below. Parton is attired in a literal coat of many colors, while Perry chooses a more “pop star visits Nashville” outfit, which primarily consists of sticking some rhinestones on high-heeled boots and calling it a day. Given that Perry’s live show basically resembles a perpetual motion machine invented by Busby Berkeley and composed of Pixie Sticks and whimsy, this is one of the most restrained performances you’ll ever see from her.

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