Don Cheadle rasps and swaggers his way through the Miles Ahead trailer

Don Cheadle’s long-gestating Miles Davis film is finally done, and Entertainment Weekly has posted the trailer along with an interview with the actor. The most noteworthy—and happiest—development is that Cheadle seems to be honoring his avowed intent to avoid the standard “greatest hits of life moments” biopic tactic. Instead, the star and director of the crowdfunded film hones in on a single period, in which the jazz legend paired with a Rolling Stone reporter (played by Ewan McGregor) to steal back a tape of his music. Cheadle also relies more on mannerisms and vocal changes to convey his take on the Prince Of Darkness rather than attempting some severe makeup job. It’s a promising-looking trailer, if perhaps a little too reliant on the comedic elements of the story rather than the intensity of the musician himself. (To be fair, his Davis comes across pretty damn cool, so it’s not like Cheadle’s skimping on charisma.) With luck, Miles Ahead will avoid the boilerplate biopic conventions, and deliver something a little more groovy. Just don’t call it jazz—it’s social music, people. The film opens April 1.

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