Donald Trump and Bill O’Reilly throw world’s least woman-friendly Super Bowl party

Fox has announced that it’s scored a major interview for its upcoming February 5 Super Bowl broadcast: President Of The United States Donald Trump. The network has announced that Trump, who will have been in office for two weeks when Super Bowl Sunday rolls around, will sit down for a mid-game chat with political commentator Bill O’Reilly. It’s not clear which aspects of his first days in office the two men will discuss, although they’ll presumably be keeping things fairly light on the day of the Big Game.

For instance—and despite the fact that it might give them a nice “here’s something we both have in common” icebreaker—Trump and O’Reilly probably won’t be discussing their shared history of sexual harassment lawsuits, including the new one that was lodged against the president-elect today by former Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos. Zervos came forward with accusations that Trump had groped and propositioned her during what was intended as a business meeting back in October, shortly after an Access Hollywood tape in which Trump engaged in some classic, boys-will-be-boys locker room talk about grabbing women by the genitals without their consent made national headlines and a depressingly small amount of electoral impact.

Trump responded to Zervos’ accusations the way he’s responded to all of the women who’ve come forward with harassment accusations against him, i.e., by calling her a devious, attention-seeking liar and declaring the whole thing “Sad!”. Zervos and her lawyer, Gloria Allred, demanded a retraction of those statements, and since there was never a chance in hell of that actually happening, they’ve now brought their case to court. Among their goals: to establish a pattern of contempt by getting the long-rumored outtakes of Trump’s Apprentice sessions aired in public, in all their ugly, Uncle Tom-referencing glory.

But Trump and O’Reilly—who’s weathered his own harassment lawsuits over the years, one of which was settled shortly after Fox News head Roger Ailes was ousted over similar charges back in 2016—probably won’t be talking about their shared expertise in getting sued. Instead, the pundit and the then-president, who frequently attend sports games together in New York, will probably just talk about the carefree world of football, like the time Trump intentionally destroyed an entire sports league as part of a petty, bitter effort to get himself an NFL ownership on the cheap. You know: dignified, presidential stuff.

[via Deadline and Variety]

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