Donald Trump courts Spitzer's call girl for reality show

In his ongoing quest to attach his name to every single headline he can, Donald Trump recently announced that he has contacted New York's most famous hooker and gubernatorial career-killer, Ashley Alexandra Dupré, about appearing on his new reality show. Billed as a "modern version of My Fair Lady—though it could more accurately be called a rehash of Mo'Nique's Charm School—The Donald's latest venture aims to "class up" Dupré and other misbehaving girls by putting them through a rigorous course on debutante manners. (And if this were Page Six, here I would probably throw in something pithy about them trading their "tramp stamps" for "Trump stamps.") While the question of who's really the whore in this whole mess continues to twist and morph like an M.C. Escher porno, this much at least is clear: This Spitzer thing is one trick that refuses to stop turning, and we're going to be hearing about it every day until the next big sex scandal comes along. So could one of you do us a favor and knock up Miley Cyrus? Preferably on tape?

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