Donald Trump gives Twitter a late-night covfefe

Earlier tonight, Donald Trump sent out a tweet that looked suspiciously like something a hypothetical president might type as a hypothetical aide tried to snatch his hypothetical phone out of his hypothetical hand because the hypothetical lawyers told him he can’t tweet anymore. It certainly seems…rushed:

Or maybe it’s something that hypothetical president might type as he hypothetically dozed off. Or had a stroke. Or dropped his phone in the toilet. Or just didn’t use spell check. Who fucking knows? The point is that #covfefe started trending almost immediately, and the speed of the responses was breathtaking.

At the moment, the tweet is still up. We don’t know if it’s still up because Donald Trump and everyone who works for him is asleep, or if Trump has locked himself in the Oval Office bathroom and refuses to come out, or if some other set of circumstances has led us to this peculiar moment in history. This is how the world ends, not with a bang but with a covfefe

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