Donate to charity and David Lynch might have a damn good cup of (virtual) coffee with you

Donate to charity and David Lynch might have a damn good cup of (virtual) coffee with you
Photo: Kevin Winter

There are so many ways to help those in need right now, but David Lynch is offering an extra incentive to attract donations to a cause near and dear to his heart: The David Lynch Foundation’s Heal The Healers Now initiative is focused on providing Transcendental Meditation to the healthcare workers on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic. In an effort to encourage donations, Lynch has teamed up with Omaze, which will select one lucky donor to have a virtual coffee date with the beloved eccentric filmmaker. That’s an attractive prize on its own, but there’s another bonus: Lynch will draw a portrait of the winner during said coffee date and send it to them directly. What would you do with an original David Lynch drawing of yourself? Perhaps hang it above the bed to watch over you as you slumber, or place it in the entryway of your home where you might kiss it lovingly every time you exit the house to embark on the harrowing journey that has become “going to the grocery store”? Up to you!

Here’s the virtual invite to donate from Lynch himself, who greets his followers with, “Hello. This is your friend, David Lynch.” YOUR FRIEND. And don’t we want to support our friends??

Imagine, if you will, hopping on Skype or Zoom with David Fucking Lynch. He sips a cup of his own David Lynch Signature Cup coffee blend while you drink whatever cretinous swill was on sale at Costco. You greet each other warmly before the urge overtakes you and you exclaim, “David Lynch! Draw me like one of your surreal nightmare girls!” And David Lynch complies. Because David Lynch is YOUR FRIEND.

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