Dr. Horrible may be coming back, sooner or later  

Some years fans of Joss Whedon have to content themselves with old Buffy The Vampire Slayer DVDs. Other years everything comes up Whedon. Here’s what Whedon’s 2012 looks like: the long-delayed Whedon co-scripted and produced Cabin In The Woods is finally hitting theaters (and earning a lot of early praise), Whedon’s big-screen adaptation of The Avengers will premiere this summer, a secretly directed version of Much Ado About Nothing may come out, the Buffy comic has attracted attention for addressing abortion, and, lo, what’s this… news of a sequel to Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, the Neil Patrick Harris-starring musical Whedon created with his friends, family, and stock-players during the last writer’s strike? That’s what Wired is reporting, even if the information is, to say the least, a little sparse. From the Wired piece:

“We do have a number of songs written,” he said. “We have a whole outline.”

So, after gorging on the year’s Whedon bounty fans still left unsatisfied can rest secure in the knowledge that somewhere there’s an outline waiting to fleshed out and some songs waiting to be sung as soon as everyone’s schedule gets free enough to do the fleshing out and the singing.

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