Drake's supposed ex-girlfriend sues him over "Marvin's Room"

Drake’s alleged ex-girlfriend is suing the rapper for not sharing royalties or giving her a writing credit for the song “Marvin’s Room,” according to The Hollywood Reporter. Ericka Lee, who supposedly dated Drake until last summer, says she not only helped him write the song but also lent vocals to the 2011 single: That “Are you drunk right now?,” she says, is her voice.

Lee filed a claim with a California federal court yesterday. She says Drake had agreed to credit her as a collaborator on the single and split the royalties from the track with her—and claims she has text messages from Drake to prove his acknowledgment of her musical contribution. “U basically made that song,” one text allegedly declared. “It’s shit without you,” read another.

Lee is supposedly credited as a vocalist on the song as “Syren Lyric Muse.” She first filed a complaint against Drake last July at the U.S. Copyright Office, saying her works and voice had been used in the track but not credited. After she hired a lawyer in November, Drake is said to have placed an angry phone call to Lee and offered her four to five percent of the royalties and a payout of $50,000.

Now, Lee demands a judge declare her the co-writer of “Marvin’s Room,” and also seeks damages and disgorgement of profits. [via The Fader]

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