Drink in the fantastical whimsy of the Manic Pixie Dream Prostitute!  

Drink in the fantastical whimsy of the Manic Pixie Dream Prostitute!  

Since it initially appeared in the very first Case File of My Year Of Flops way back in 2007, the Manic Pixie Dream Girl has taken on a life of its own, inspiring countless articles, an NPR piece, the subtitle of a book from The A.V Club (but not the My Year Of Flops book, ironically enough), a forthcoming young adult novel, and some very clever video spoofs.

First, there was a video about the state home For Manic Pixie Dream Girls and now comes a short about a "Manic Pixie Prostitute," a new kind of quasi-sex-worker who offers clients not sexual release or gratification but rather, in the words of the video's wonderfully deadpan sad-sack protagonist, a girl to turn his life around with her "whimsical joie de vivre" by singing along to The Moldy Peaches with him, dancing like an exuberant spazz, playing a "midget guitar," and volunteering to crash a parade with him. It's a smart, knowing critique of the adolescent wish-fulfillment element of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl archetype that impishly posits the urge for a life-altering blast of precious, girlish quirkiness as a new form of non-sexual fetish. It's especially inspired in how it condenses the life cycle of a Manic Pixie Dream Girl/Artsy Depressive relationship into a matter of minutes. Enjoy!

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