Duff McKagan wants to pee on Wall Street fat cats

No, it's not a wacky new MTV reality series in which former Guns N' Roses bassist Duff McKagan shares a one-room house with Donald Trump and Bernie Madoff.

Nope, it turns out that once Duff got sober, he got money smart, and now Playboy has hired him to pen a column about investing. Title of his first piece (wait for it…): Appetite For Investment.

McKagan's actually a fun writer—he's been contributing columns to The Seattle Weekly for a while—and this should be an interesting experiment, especially considering that his mission statement includes sticking it to The Man. This is a real quote: "What a lot of these people did to all of us in the first place is just plain criminal. I have never been keen on executives getting golden parachutes; I’m more apt to give them a golden shower."

Yes, Duff McKagan is going to solve the financial crisis by peeing on rich executives. Shit, nothing else seems to work—we might as well let him try.

You can read his introductory column here, if your Internet at work allows you to visit Playboy.com.

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