E-40 tka Charlie Hu$tle

E-40 tka Charlie Hu$tle

As you may or may not know, veteran West Coast rapper E-40 (a.k.a. Charlie Hu$tle, a.k.a. Forty Fonzarelli, a.k.a. 40-Watter) is a veritable slang dictionary, linguist, champion drink mixer, tycoon, recording artist, and author. But did you also know that he drew pictures hella good when he was just a little shorty? Or that he once pitched back-to-back-to-back no-hitters in Little League? Or that he's a close personal friend of many professional athletes? These are just some of the many scintillating facts contained within E-40's first home video, E-40 TKA Charlie Hu$tle, a documentary so desperately fawning that it makes your average wedding video look like a fearless exercise in muckraking. Rounded out with reenactments which for some reason feature a skinny actor portraying the rotund 40-Watter, Charlie Hu$tle paints a portrait of E-40 so wholesome and glowing that you half expect it to end with E-40 receiving the Congressional Medal Of Honor for his contributions to the English language. The film does feature enough unintelligible concert footage and grainy, out-of-focus footage of E-40 and friends drinking and muttering loudly to please most fans. But those not already enamored of his eccentric vocal style will likely find nothing even remotely of interest here.

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