Early 2000s nostalgia is born with a possible Princess Diaries 3

Old squares may be excited about another Indiana Jones sequel, but now the 21-and-under crowd is finally getting some well-deserved pandering of its own. According to People, both Anne Hathaway and director Garry Marshall are on board for another Princess Diaries movie, finally completing the epic trilogy they started back in 2001. There are a couple of holdups keeping the project from moving forward, though, like the fact that Disney hasn’t officially asked Marshall and Hathaway to make the movie, and also that Hathaway is pregnant and therefore has better things to do than hang out with Julie Andrews.

People also asked Garry Marshall if a hypothetical Princess Diaries 3 would bring back Chris Pine’s love interest character from the second movie. Marshall offered a non-committal “maybe,” noting that Pine is “quite big now”—which probably comes across as more sarcastic than he intended. Marshall also points out that Pine likes him because he put his dad (actor Robert Pine) in the upcoming holiday spectacular Mother’s Day. Again, that’s probably supposed to sound more positive than it does.

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