Eddie Vedder wrote an original song for the new Twin Peaks, heyuhhhhuh

Eddie Vedder wrote an original song for the new Twin Peaks, heyuhhhhuh

We’ve known for a while that Eddie Vedder would be making his way to Twin Peaks when David Lynch’s cult favorite mystery soap returns next year. But while Lynch famously likes casting musicians—Trent Reznor having also signed on for the Showtime show—it wasn’t clear whether Vedder would be joining the series in a musical capacity, too, or if Lynch was just going after the wild-eyed, BOB-esque mania the Pearl Jam frontman once unleashed in the music video for “Jeremy.”

Late last week, though—during a solo set at the Ohana Music Festival—Vedder previewed an original track he’s apparently written for the series. And while “Out Of Sand” sounds way more Pearl Jam than Angelo Badalamenti, its lyrics do feel suitably Lynchian, with lines like “Offered the hand of a disembodied man” and “I stare at my reflection to the bone.” (Besides, there’s no way it can be any worse than any of the music produced by the town’s own native sons.) You can hear the new track right here:

[via Entertainment Weekly]

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