Edgar Wright's Last Night In Soho, Ghostbusters: Afterlife, more delayed

Edgar Wright's Last Night In Soho, Ghostbusters: Afterlife, more delayed
Photo: Ian Gavan

God, were we too mean about Muncher?

Apparently unwilling to let James Bond have all the “falling down the movie schedule like a cartoon character rolling down a staircase” attention, several other films have announced tonight their not wholly surprising abandonment of spots on the 2021 movie schedule, secured, presumably, in the belief that the COVID-19 vaccine would roll out with a tad more vigor than reality has ultimately shown. For the purposes of stuff we were genuinely, actually excited about, the big disappointment is going to be the delay of Edgar Wright’s new film, Last Night In Soho, but the upcoming Cinderella, Uncharted, Ghostbusters, and Peter Rabbit films have also been moved down the schedule by a varying number of months.

With the exception of Last Night—which Wright announced on Twitter, noting that it’ll be moving to October 22—these are mostly Sony projects, as the studio reshuffles its 2021 schedule pretty comprehensively. First up is Camila Cabello’s Cinderella musical, which was improbably slated for February, and will now (allegedly) come out on July 16. Peter Rabbit 2 has bailed on its Easter release date for June 11, meanwhile, while Jason Reitman’s Ghostbusters: Afterlife—Muncher and all—will now no longer come out until November 11.

The biggest dip, though, is for Tom Holland’s “No, seriously, Tom Holland is playing Nathan Drake” movie Uncharted, which has been pushed back all the way to 2022. Specifically, February 11, 2022, which still doesn’t seem like enough time for Tom Holland to convincingly play video game Indiana Jones knock-off Drake, but oh well.

As we move, wearily, off the festering toilet of 2020, there was likely some hope that these sorts of massive delays might once again become a thing of the past, but, well, *gestures elaborately to ongoing global pandemic*. Fingers crossed that this is the last big slate of these we’ll have to think about, but not crossed too tight, because we’re probably going to have to type up some more of them here in a minute.

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