Edward Norton's production company sued over fatal on-set fire

Edward’s Norton production company, Class 5 Productions, is being sued this week over a fire that broke out recently on the set of the actor/director’s new film, Motherless Brooklyn. The massive blaze—which ended up killing one of the New York Fire Department firefighters, Michael Davidson, who was attempting to fight it—ended up burning out most of a five-story building where Norton and his crew were filming in Harlem.

According to Deadline, the lawsuit in question comes from Erica and George Cruz, two of the other tenants of the building, who are accusing Norton and his employees of failing to inform them of what was happening when the fire broke out. The pair—who are also suing the building’s landlord—say they lost everything they owned in the fire, and claim that, “When representatives of Class 5, Inc. became aware of the fire, they did not warn the tenants in the building; in fact, they misled the tenants into believing there had been a fire that had been extinguished. As a result of the fire, the plaintiffs’ apartment was completely destroyed.”

Norton’s film is an adaptation of Jonathan Lethem’s novel of the same name. The production company has yet to comment on the lawsuit, although they issued a statement thanking the FDNY and expressing their condolences to the family and friends of Lieutenant Davidson earlier this week.

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