Elizabeth Warren, Spider-Man, and a nice duck joined last night's protests

Elizabeth Warren, Spider-Man, and a nice duck joined last night's protests
Photo: W.G. Dunlop

On Monday, well before Washington D.C.’s established curfew, those peacefully protesting police brutality and racial inequality following the death of George Floyd were doused in tear gas so Donald Trump could mosey over to a church, hold up an upside-down Bible, and, we’re guessing, mutter “You just love this shit, don’t you?” through gritted teeth. If the gesture was meant to deter protestors, it didn’t work. Per the Washington Post, Tuesday evening saw “the largest and most boisterous crowd” of protestors yet.

Among them were Sen. Elizabeth Warren, her husband, and very good golden retriever Bailey. Saying it was “wrong” to deploy the National Guard in the city, Warren told a reporter that the president “is imposing violence on our people,” despite them being there to “protest peacefully.”

Bailey closeup for the #BaileyFaithful:

Other welcome guests surfaced at protests throughout the country as well. Like this very nice duck, which charmed those protesting outside the White House.

Meanwhile, in New York City, a friendly neighbor in full Spider-Man regalia sought to support the masses by not-so-nimbly scaling the Manhattan Bridge. No, this is not someone who we’d swinging between buildings, but the sentiment was nevertheless appreciated.

Though not physically present, rapper Ludacris made a cameo in New York City as well. The imposed curfew long behind them, hundreds of protestors greeted law enforcement officials with a rousing rendition of “Move Bitch.” Luda himself took to Twitter to show his support.

These were, of course, moments of levity on a night that still saw its share of police violence and suppression, even if, as the Post puts it, “peace largely prevailed.” Federal forces outside the White House fired pepper spray projectiles at protestors, while in New York City protestors were stranded for hours on the Manhattan Bridge due to police blockades set up on both ends.

Stay safe out there.

Looking for ways to advocate for black lives? Check out this list of resources by our sister site Lifehacker for ways to get involved

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