Elton John joins Rocketman’s Taron Egerton for new song “(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again”

Elton John joins Rocketman’s Taron Egerton for new song “(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again”
Photo: Eamonn M. McCormack

One of the benefits of doing a biopic for a musician that is still alive is that, when it comes time to record the soundtrack, you know you can probably cajole that artist into a sweet guest spot. That’s exactly what happened with the forthcoming soundtrack to Elton John biopic Rocketman, which, as reported by Billboard, will feature a duet version of a new song, “(I’m Gonna) Love Me Again” performed by John and the film’s star Taron Egerton. The track was written by John and his longtime lyricist Bernie Taupin (played by Jamie Bell in the film).

Egerton previously shared a stage with Elton John during a live duet of “Tiny Dancer” at John’s Academy Awards viewing party, so fans were already aware he was at least vocally up to the task of supporting Sir Elton. However, the appearance of a duet on the official soundtrack opens up all sorts of questions about the plot of Rocketman. Will young Elton John encounter an older version of himself by the end of the film? Will the titular Rocketman launch himself into a parallel dimension and learn to “Love Me Again”? Will this song simply play over the end credits and we’re overthinking it?

To find more clues we’ll have to wait until the full soundtrack is released on May 24.

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