Elton John likes little girls

Elton John likes little girls

Fresh from AP: A Nan Goldin photograph of two naked girls titled "Klara And Edda Belly-Dancing" was seized from a British art gallery by police today due to concerns that it might be a piece of child pornography. Turns out, the artwork is owned by Elton John. Neither Goldin nor the gallery have made a statement, but John told the press, "The photograph exists as part of the installation as a whole and has been widely published and exhibited throughout the world. It can be found in the monograph of Ms. Goldin's works, has been offered for sale at Sotheby's New York, and has previously been exhibited in Houston, London, Madrid, New York, Portugal, Warsaw, and Zurich without any objections of which we are aware."

Former glam star from England. Child pornography. Where have we heard this before?

Useless factoid learned while "researching" this Newswire post: Elton John's middle name, chosen when he legally changed it in 1973, is Hercules.

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