Emilia Clarke summons her inner manic pixie caregiver in Me Before You trailer

In an apparent effort to move away from the resilient leaders of men she’s known for portraying on Game Of Thrones and (to a lesser extent) in Terminator Genisys, Emilia Clarke stars in Me Before You as Louisa, a quirky young woman with a singularly cheerful worldview despite a string of lost jobs. Happily, she comes into the employ of Will, an impossibly handsome man with a boatload of money, a tragic case of quadriplegia, and the determination to end his life with dignity in six months’ time. Of course, the two beautiful people spend the next half-year falling in love with one another and learning a little about themselves—as beautiful people do in these tear-jerking romantic films—all while the calendar creeps incessantly toward Will’s big appointment.

Based on Jojo Moyes’ 2012 bestselling and well-received novel, Me Before You marks the debut feature film from successful British theater director Thea Sharrock. So, while this trailer makes it look like an upscale Lifetime movie, it might actually have a shot at being more revelatory. We’ll find out when it arrives in theaters on June 3.

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