Emma Stone in negotiations to seal the deal on our seeing Gangster Squad

Ruben Fleischer’s Gangster Squad continues its madly desperate attempts to make you fall in love with it sight unseen, compiling an impressive list of attractively awesome things that’s like the film equivalent of a too-good-to-be-true Facebook profile. It’s latest bid for your premature devotion: The addition of Emma Stone as the “sharp-tongued siren” who gets involved in a love triangle between Ryan Gosling’s LAPD detective and Sean Penn’s Mickey Cohen—who is definitely too old to be thinking about Emma Stone that way, far more so than a lot of us other dudes out here, which should only make his comeuppance all the more vicariously satisfying. According to Variety, Stone is currently in negotiations to rejoin her Zombieland director and her Crazy Stupid Love co-star, as well as a supporting cast that already includes Josh Brolin, Anthony Mackie, Giovanni Ribisi, and Michael Pena—though not, unfortunately, Bryan Cranston as previously suggested. Still, even without Cranston, Gangster Squad is doing everything short of posting duckface cleavage photos and taking “What’s Your Favorite Sex Position?” quizzes to get you to ask it out. No need to try so hard, baby. We’re interested.

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