Enjoy a look at the parallel “alt-right” internet, which is a giant fucking trainwreck

While so many of us cucks, snowflakes, and SJW trash complain that social media services like Twitter and Facebook haven’t done enough to combat hate speech and general harassment, members of that loose confederation of racists, homophobes, and catch-all “conservative ideology” called the “alt-right” think Big Media has gone too far. Their solution? Build a new suite of internet services by shitty people, for shitty people.

Likely incensed by the one or two times they’ve been slapped on the wrist for directing racial epithets at their least favorite journalist or celebrity, the “alt-right” has created its own versions of everything from YouTube to Patreon. Described in an article by the New York Times’ Kevin Roose, these services are meant to provide “a refuge from political correctness and censorship” where “all views [are] welcome, no matter how crude or incendiary.”

The site names are pretty much exactly what you’d expect. There’s a crappy Wikipedia (Infogalatic), asshole-friendly Twitter (Gab), bafflingly named Kickstarter (GoyFundMe), dumb Facebook (WrongThink), white supremacist OKCupid (WASP.love), and even a Patreon alternative called… Hatreon.

Roose sifted through the trash to understand how well these services are doing and found, unsurprisingly, that the sites are “more pitiful than fear-inspiring.” Few users and moderators, technology that performs like garbage (“If the alt-right’s ideology harks back to 1940s Germany, its web design might transport you to 1990s GeoCities”), and a lack of support from mainstream corporations, like the credit card companies whose cooperation is vital for Hatreon, is causing even die-hard supporters to give up on the grand project. It’s also difficult for “alt-right” sites to attract web development talent (there aren’t a lot of public investors lining up to pitch in money) or find service providers willing to work with them. Basically, all the usual difficulties of being a tech start-up applies, and the extra disadvantage of being public shitheels adds even more trouble.

For the “alt-right,” this is yet another example of the kind of humiliation that follows the movement like a shadow. For the rest of us, it’s a welcome reminder that even in a time when the worst elements of humanity feel so emboldened to make their terrible views known, there are still a handful of built-in roadblocks stopping them from spreading as far as they’d like.

Check out the entire article for more technological schadenfreude.

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