Envision Trump decreeing even stupider shit with this executive order generator

While the concrete actions Donald Trump has taken in his (sigh) two weeks in office have been dangerous, racist, and unconstitutional, and thus deserving of concerted, organized political action from people throughout the political spectrum, there remains the fact that the president is also a know-nothing and a braggart, and thus deserving of pithier scorn. He is a petulant, attention-hungry man-child, and watching him sign these executive orders amid the prestige of the Oval Office opens itself up for subtler piss-takes. Hence, the Trump Draws Twitter account, which punctures the self-important bravado with which he displayed his most recent executive order.

Now a new app from Isaac Hepworth, a product manager at Google, allows you to recreate the text of the order however you see fit. There is fun to be had.

Have at it, world.

[via Boing Boing]

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