Enzo Ferrari biopic in the works, even though Vincent Chase already did that movie

L.A.-based production company Cecchi Gori Pictures is currently in Cannes attempting to find backers for a biopic about Italian automotive pioneer and race car driver Enzo Ferrari—a movie that was already made five years ago with Vincent Chase. Still, this take on Ferrari’s life actually predates that film by years, with a script by The Italian Job’s Troy Kennedy Martin and Out Of Africa’s David Rayfield last attached in 2004 to director Sydney Pollack and Al Pacino. Pacino is, of course, an actor who is occasionally mentioned as sharing the same profession as revered movie star Vinny Chase.

However, much as Vince’s work on Ferrari was waylaid after director Frank Darabont was caught in a monsoon in Malta—leaving Vince and the boys with little to do besides go on yet another vacation and hang out with unreasonably attractive salesgirls—this Ferrari project was also put on hold in the wake of Pollack’s death, which is very much the same thing. It’s unknown how many unreasonably attractive salesgirls Al Pacino has slept with since then.

The script is currently attached to a new, as-yet-unnamed “well-known U.S. director who has passion for the project,” and who will presumably have better luck than Frank Darabont, who left his star with little more to do than just chill while also recording the voiceover for a movie about a cartoon dog.* And in the case of this new Ferrari film, Vince isn’t doing the movie, a plot outcome that usually works out great for everyone.

*All of these events actually took place on Entourage, an HBO show (and soon a movie) in which dumb things happen around very expensive cars. Your enjoyment of seeing them referenced will depend greatly on your familiarity with them—or maybe not. Actually, you’re probably better off not knowing anything about Entourage, or any of its myriad fake projects.

In fact, I envy you. You get to read headlines like, “Biopic of Enzo Ferrari being shopped,” and your mind doesn’t immediately jump to that episode that was literally all about everyone worrying whether Vince would pass his driving test, because ha ha, he never had to learn, because he’s famous, so Turtle drives him everywhere! Anyway, savor that.

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