EPIX really screwed up the launch of Patton Oswalt's new comedy special

The premiere of Patton Oswalt’s comedy special didn’t really go exactly as planned. While Tragedy Plus Comedy Equals Time was supposed to go up on EPIX’s website last night in advance of the channel’s airing of the special tonight, the network didn’t actually get the show up at the designated time, despite Oswalt’s public countdown and urging. That led to a pretty rough and hilarious Twitter screed directed at the network from the comedian, in which Oswalt called the network “completely incompetent,” and said the situation was “fucking embarrassing.”

Luckily, Oswalt went on to make the best of the situation by tweeting out what he said were highlights from the special, including the notion that he enters the stage by rising “from the floor, nude” as the entirety of Led Zeppelin’s “No Quarter” plays. He then “recite[s] the third chapter of Judy Blume’s Wifey while goose stepping through a tiny model of Bonn, Germany made of Legos.”

Of course, after Oswalt tweeted all this, EPIX managed to get the special up on its site. It’s available now on EPIX’s site—or you could just wait until it airs on Comedy Central in April.

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