Eric Trump thinks Google is "trying to manipulate Americans" with images of Mob Psycho 100

Eric Trump thinks Google is "trying to manipulate Americans" with images of Mob Psycho 100
Screenshot: Google

Mob Psycho 100 is a feverishly adored manga and anime series. Eric Trump is a gullible dweeb who is also the president’s second-favorite child. And never the twain shall meet, right? That’s what we thought. And then this happened.

“Google is once again trying to manipulate Americans,” Eric posted at 6 a.m. this morning, during what was presumably a lovely breakfast. “Type ‘mob’ or ‘mobs’ into google and watch what comes up. Do the same on any other search engine. #NothingToSeeHere.”

Accompanying the tweet are screenshots depicting the image results of “mob” across four different search engines. Yahoo!, Bing, and DuckDuckGo show what looks to be images of colorful flash mobs—not his intent, we imagine, given his dad’s tweets of late, but the kid’s doing his best—while Google is filled with images of Shigeo Kageyama, the psychic Mob Psycho 100 hero also known as “Mob.” For Eric, this is a sign that Google is working with Crunchyroll to hide images of colorful flash mobs so people don’t think of the angry mobs that are, according to our president, descending on the suburbs. For anyone who’s ever used Google, which uses a more sophisticated algorithm than its competitors, this is simply evidence that more people are searching for images of the lead of a wildly popular anime series than they are of stock photos of angry mobs (or even flash mobs).

If Eric had looked closer, however, he’d see that Google fortifies its results page with more specific options, one of which is “angry.” Had he clicked on that he’d have quickly found the kind of mob photo he was presumably looking for:

Or not, since it’s from the racist and pro-Trump Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville that left one protestor dead.

Regardless, Eric is quickly learning just how popular Mob Psycho 100 is, as rabid fans of the property are currently flooding his mentions.

Others, meanwhile, are just content to just remind him what an idiot he is.

All this said, things are only going to get stupider. To paraphrase one of our worst modern thinkers, the chips are indeed starting to crumble.

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