Erik Larsen continues comics industry's Baracksploitation trend

Attendees of San Francisco's WonderCon comics convention this weekend have more to look forward to than being muscled aside by guys in handmade Rorschach masks. According to Savage Dragon creator Erik Larsen, he'll be selling 1000 limited edition copies of Savage Dragon #145, featuring what he modestly calls "the greatest comic cover of all time." As you can see above, the cover has "President Barack Obama punching out Osama Bin Laden with a huge American flag in one hand while Savage Dragon frees Lady Liberty from a Weapon of Mass Destruction."

Frankly though, while this cover's cool enough for what it is, aren't we growing a little weary of comic book publishers throwing the president on the cover to boost sales?

More to the point, though: Greatest comic cover of all time? Really? Greater than Nick Fury in space?

Or killer teddy bears tapping on the window?

Or gambling-obsessed lawyers?

Or The Flash punching The Reverse-Flash into the future?

I mean, c'mon!

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