Et tu, Burlington Coat Factory?

Business Insider reports that discount clothes retailer Burlington Coat Factory has become the latest store to stop carrying Ivanka Trump’s fashion line in its online stores. The store was reportedly selling 13 items from Trump’s line last week; now, in the wake of companies like Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus, Kmart, and Sears all cutting ties with the company, Burlington has followed suit, pulling the merchandise from its online shelves.

Burlington hasn’t given a reason for the decision, but it presumably has something to do with the flagging sales for the products that other companies have reported. Meanwhile, TJX Companies—the parent company of T.J. Maxx and Marshall’s—is trying to get out ahead of the controversy without actually having to redo its inventory: The New York Times reports that the company recently sent a memo to its stores, ordering them to take down Trump-branded displays and mix their existing stock into the mixed clothing racks, which might actually be even more insulting to our status-seeking president and his family than just refusing to sell the stuff at all.

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